August 22, 2024
4:00pm - 5:00pm

Click to Sign Up for CCSF Information Sessions Today!

Thank you for taking the next step to learn more about CCSF. Please see below for more information on the information sessions:

For whom:                   Anyone who is interested in learning more about academic opportunities at CCSF
Where:                         In-Person (Ocean Campus) or Virtual (Via Zoom)
When:                          January – December 2024 at 4pm - 5pm
Duration:                    One hour
Presentation covers:

  • Welcome
  • Overview of CCSF
  • Overview of Credit vs. Noncredit
  • Degrees and Certificates
  • Student Programs and Resources
  • Free City and Affordability
  • Enrollment Steps
  • Upcoming CCSF Events
  • Q&A

What else is provided:

  • Refreshments (in-person)
  • CCSF swag (in-person)
  • Raffle drawing (in-person)
  • 1-on-1 technical support for applications, accounts, registration, and more (both in-person and virtual)
  • iCal 2024-07-07 08:10:41 2024-07-07 08:10:41 Title Description Location CCSF info@kwallcompany.com America/Los_Angeles public